Meet The Team
Artistic/Executive Director
Catherine is a director, designer and researcher based in whichever institutional library she is currently haunting (at the moment, Harvard’s Widener). Her academic work looks at the relationship between German-Jewish philosophy and dramatic aesthetic/theory; as a director, she is most interested in stories that centre religion and/or women, as well as in stylistic approaches that allow for interdisciplinary experimentation and blurring of the performer/audience binary. Current influences include Martin Buber, the book of Job, PJ Harvey, and KillMonday’s 2015 immersive psychological horror video game Fran Bow.
Development Lead
Aaron Mesa (they/them) is a stage manager, theater enjoyer, and math major at Yale. They have stage managed 8 shows, two of which were through Cunning Folk (Neufaust and Selkie Play). In their free time they like to dance and read Science Fiction.
Associate Artistic Director
Lavanya Sinha (they/she) is a senior at Yale University studying literature and performance. A teacher and proponent of children’s theatre, which to them is theatre of care and community, they have found its spirit most closely mirrored in experimental theatrical projects like those of The Cunning Folk, with their mild-to-extreme anti-realism and whimsy. Lavanya acted in Selkie Play, the company’s first show, and associate directed A Neufaust this past summer.
Marketing Lead
Zel Tracey (they/them, ze/hir) is a gothy, queer, Boston-born artist, madperson, and Capricorn always up to participate in the creation of something incredibl(e/y odd).
Resident Dramaturg
Sam Fisher is a recent Yale graduate who deeply enjoys combining her loves of history, theology, lecturing people, and theater in the field of dramaturgy. Currently, she’s lecturing the members of Cunning Folk on the historical subtext of the theater they create from ten time zones away, where she teaches English at the Asian University for Women in Chittagong, Bangladesh.